
Screen recognition · search

{v} updated {dd} days ago

Search img


Adjust like a window

Move, stretch, diagonally, just like adjusting a window

illustration of size positions

parameter control

Enter numbers or quadratic formulas to directly change the size and position of the selection

parameter control bar



Magnifying glass

can't see clearly? Here comes the magnifying glass

magnifying glass

Precise control

Cooperate with keyboard for more accurate control

Omnidirectional control
CtrlSpeed×5 ShiftSpeed×10


OCR, or text recognition

All the text you see, should be characters

Images, e-books, bullet chat, scans, some websites, formulas, all the text you can't select, all converted into characters

OCR engines currently support (offline, Baidu, Youdao)

Offline OCR engines support custom models and dictionaries, online OCR engines support custom secret keys for their own applications

picture before ocr
OCR engine
Conversion to selectable and editable characters


With OCR (text recognition), everything you see is searchable

Don't like to use Google search engines? Customise one


Fanyishu Aggregate multiple engines, customize api keys, and support multiple engines to translate and output multiple translation results at the same time

翻译树展示图0 翻译树展示图1 翻译树展示图2
翻译树图标Fanyishu 谷歌图标Google Deepl图标Deepl 百度图标Baidu 金山图标iciba 必应图标Bing 自定义图标Custom definition

Search img

Want to get more information about a picture?

Select, search

With the help of Internet engines (Baidu, Google, Yandex), eSearch can easily get more information about pictures


Fix the trimmed image on the screen, seamlessly


Infinity changes transparency

transparency icon

One-click repositioning

Return to fitted position and size

homing icon

Button penetration

Mask the window and let the mouse operate behind it

For example, here you can select and edit this text through the window without being affected by it

For example, here you can select and edit this text through the window without being affected by it

For example, here you can select and edit this text through the window without being affected by it

keys penetrate icons


Easily record the screen and convert it to multiple formats (mp4, gif, mkv, webm) through FFmpeg

Support for recording cameras and microphones

Optional cursor position prompts and keyboard keystrokes for more efficient transmission of information


Colour picker

Supports HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK and other colour formats for copying

eyedropper screenshot

Based on color

Editing images

Simple image editing: brush, eraser, basic geometry, resizing, filters (including mosaic and blur)

Can be manipulated using the fabric.js API

image edit screenshots
brush icon

Other apps open

Not satisfied with the editor that comes with your software? You can open it temporarily in other image editors for advanced image editing

You can also open it on social media for sharing

other apps open
other apps open screenshots

Automatic search

Automatic judgement mode, when text is selected, the text is searched or translated directly, otherwise text recognition is activated and then searched. Single line of text can be searched automatically.

automatic search

Qr code scanning

Based on jsqr

qr code


Record text recognition records, can be deleted automatically


Elegant blur

Ubiquitous blurring effect for the ultimate aesthetic experience

Customisable blur intensity and transparency, which can also be switched off to save resources

screenshot screen main interface

Customization and expansion

In Settings, eSearch provides a number of customizable settings. Since eSearch is open source software that follows the GPLv3 protocol, developed based on Electron and Web technologies (HTML, CSS, js), it can be freely modified and extended, both in style and function

electron logo html5 logo css3 logo JavaScript logo


Based on Electron and web technologies (HTML, CSS, js) eSearch supports Windows, Linux, macOS and other major operating systems and platforms.

Other app edits

Not satisfied with the text editor that comes with the software? You can open it temporarily in other text editors for advanced text editing

other apps open
other apps open

Find and replace

The skills a text editor should have. Support for regular expression lookups

other app edits
other app edits

Automatically delete line breaks

Automatic typesetting by removing extra line breaks caused by text recognition (OCR)

Window copy effect provided by ding

automatically delete line breaks
automatically delete line breaks
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